Opening: Life Force Wheel: The Phoenix & The Healer

Opening Reception: Sunday, August 3, 2014, 6 - 10 PM

Exhibit runs through September 30, 2014

Free admission to exhibit and opening and closing receptions
Explore the Phoenix and Healer Archetypes, those engaged in and facilitating transformational process, as Life Force Arts Foundation presents the art exhibit and multiarts show Life Force Wheel: The Phoenix & The Healer, running August 3 - September 30, 2014 at Life Force Arts Center, 1609 W. Belmont, Chicago IL 60657. Opening Reception is Sunday, August 3, 2014 from 6 - 10 PM. Closing Reception is Tuesday, September 30, 2014 from 7 - 9 PM. Gallery hours are Mondays and Thursdays 1:30 - 6:30 PM, and by appointment. Admission is free to the exhibit and Opening and Closing Receptions. Workshops, performances and other events related to the theme of The Phoenix & The Healer Archetypes will  be held as part of the show. For more information, please contact Joan Forest Mage, Executive Director, (773) 327-7224,

The Phoenix is a person going through a process of transformation or healing. The name comes from the legendary Phoenix bird that immolated itself every five hundred years and then arose renewed from its own ashes,  symbolizing profound transformation. The Phoenix knows that this cycle of death and regeneration is necessary, understands and accepts the process of change rather than resisting it. The Healer is the one who guides the Phoenix's process of transformation, holding the sacred space and time for the transformation to occur. The essence of healing is to become a new self, and the healing process is about letting go of what you no longer need and taking in what you do need to become that new self.

The artwork in this exhibit features a wide variety of media including painting, photography, sculpture, fabric art and installation. Life Force Arts Foundation Executive Director Joan Forest Mage says, "It's fascinating to see the interpretations artists have about this theme. From depictions of mythological healers to healing mandalas, from personal healing journeys to artwork that creates a portal into transformational experience, this show expands our understanding of these powerful Archetypes."

The Phoenix & The Healer is the fourth in the Life Force Wheel year-long, six show series of art exhibits and multiarts presentations explores the deep Archetypes of human existence. The Life Force Wheel is a spiritual teaching based in ancient, universal wisdom, received through inspiration by modern shamanic practitioner Joan Forest Mage. The six show series began on December 8, 2013 with the Teacher Archetype and concludes in January 2015 with the True Self Archetype. All shows will be held at Life Force Arts Center, 1609 W. Belmont, Chicago.

For more details about the Life Force Wheel, please click here

Featured artists for Life Force Wheel: The Phoenix & The Healer

There are ten Archetypes on the Life Force Wheel. Each is a role which contributes to the harmony between the individual and the Web of Life. The Life Force Wheel series of shows  includes art exhibits, performances, poetry readings, workshops, lectures and other events to help the audience gain the wisdom of each Archetypal energy.

The mission of Life Force Arts Foundation (LFA) is to celebrate and activate the spiritual power of the visual, literary and performing arts in artists and audiences. We focus on the arts as a common ground of human expression, where artists of diverse spiritual traditions present artistically excellent exhibits, events and publications to awaken human potential, create spiritual transformation and connect audiences to the mystical dimension.

Evin Wolverton